Providing written feedback to students: How do I do it digitally?
Learn how to provide written feedback on your students' digital assignments by following the step-by-step instructions below:
Step-by-Step Instructions:
1. Click on 'Assignments & Progress' in the upper navigation bar.
2. Select your class from the drop-down menu.
3. Click on the 'Class Results' button under the specific assignment.
4. Click the 'Question' tab to see how your students answered each question.
5. Click on the note button to provide feedback on a student's answer to a specific question.
6. Type your feedback into the yellow pop-up.
Your students will be able to see your feedback when viewing their assignment results.
7. In addition to feedback for specific questions, you can also leave general feedback for your students. To do so, click on a student's name.
8. In the box under "Teacher Feedback", you can type your comments.
Your students will be able to see this feedback when viewing their assignment results.