How do I assign Article-A-Day at Home to my child?
Learn how to assign Article-A-Day to your child/children by following the step-by-step instructions below:
Step-by-Step Instructions:
- To start, click the link to the Article-A-Day set in your Summer of ReadWorks Membership Email. Don’t receive these emails? Sign up here.
- You will be taken to an Article-A-Day set. There will be enough articles for one week. Next, click on the blue “Assign” button.
- If you are planning to do the Book of Knowledge digitally with your child, be sure to keep the box next to "Book of Knowledge" checked. You can learn how to do the Book of Knowledge digitally here.
- You can select how you want your child to read the articles in the set. Depending on what you pick, your child will either choose from all of the unread articles in the set, choose between two articles in the set, or will be given an article to read.
- Select your child's class. If you have not created a class yet, learn how to do so here.
- Select a start and end date. Your child will be able to see the Article-A-Day set in his/her workspace on the start date. Once the end date passes, they will no longer be able to work on the Article-A-Day set.
- Then, click "Assign" to finish!
If you are using ReadWorks with multiple children, repeat these steps for each child.